With Germany among leading nations in the automobile, engineering, chemical, and renewable energy industries, learning German creates professional and personal pathways for students to explore in the US–where companies like Daimler, Siemens, and Bayer are leaders–and in the German-speaking world. German being the most widely spoken language in Europe (100 million native speakers and about 55 million second-language speakers), there is ample opportunity for students to apply and extend their studies, interests, and careers with German. From biotech in Munich or “Silicon Saxony” in Dresden, or finance in Zurich and Frankfurt, to cultural diversity in Berlin as a major center for design and fashion, German opens new doors in your world.

German Studies at MIT engages students in the study of language at the intersection of contemporary culture, film, literature and the history of German-speaking countries. Students acquire communication and cultural competencies that allow them to engage actively in the German-speaking world. Personal attention in small group classes create engaging and rewarding experiences for each student. German Studies subjects prepare students for the opportunity to study, work, and conduct research in German-speaking and other global environments, whether through MISTI programs (see MISTI-Germany, MIT-Germany, and MIT-Switzerland), or in a variety of future career options.

German Studies may be applied to the German major, minor, or Concentration. Learn more about requirements at the Academic Programs page. Advisors for these programs are below. Students uncertain what level of German language to take should refer to placement information. Information on transfer credit is available here.

German Concentration: Dagmar Jaeger
German Minor/Major: Per Urlaub
Global Languages German Studies group: Dagmar Jaeger | Emily Goodling | Mark Römisch

Spring 2025

21G.401/451 German I
21G.402/452 German II
21G.403 German III
21G.404 German IV
21G.410 Advanced German: Communication for Professionals
21G.420 German Cinema
21H.240 The World of Charlemagne

A note regarding the enrollment policy of Global Languages: Enrollment limited to 18 for pedagogical reasons. Preference will be given to pre-registered students, including pre-registered undergraduates who were cut from the same class the previous semester due to the enrollment cap. Please note that you have to attend the first day of class to maintain your preference level.  As a general rule, preference will be given in the following order in case of over-enrollment:  declared majors, declared minors, declared concentrators, first-years, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students.